Upload pictures of the project using the “Media” tab on the sidebar, click “Add new” at the top of that page.
Click “Smart Slider” on the sidebar.
Click the green “New Slider” button.
Change the “Slider Name” to the project name and press the “Full Width” button, then press “Create”.
Click the green “New Slide” button.
Click the “Media Library” tab at the top of the page, then select the picture you uploaded by holding the “command” button on you keyboard while selecting picture, then press the blue “Select” button.
Scroll down to where the second navigation bar says “Arrows”, click the second option for arrows (one grey left-point arrow and a blue right-pointing arrow).
Click “Thumbnails” in the navigation bar.
Click the option to display thumbnails (has hot-air balloons), then set “Align Thumbnails” to center, and then click the “x” icon where “Style” is currently set to static. (it should now say “Empty”)
Scroll up to the navigation bar that starts with “Publish”, then click “Optimize”.
Enable “Optimize Images”. (the slider should turn green)
Click the green “Save” button in the top right corner.
Creating the Page
Click “Posts” on the sidebar, then click “Add new” at the top.
Add the “post title” where it says “Enter title here”.
In the bottom right, click “Set feature image” then select the image that displays first on this project’s Smart Slider.
Click the blue “Publish” button.
Click on “Posts” on the sidebar, then click the edit button for any already completed post.
Copy the content of that post.
Return to the “Posts” page, select edit for you new post, then paste the content into the large white text box.
Delete the first line. (similar to this “[smartsl1der3 slider=2]”)
With your cursor at the top of the text box, click blue Smart Slider button at the top of the text area. (blue box with an “S”). IF YOU ARE JUST USING A BEFORE/AFTER PICTURE: Place the cursor at the top of the content section and click “Add media”, Select your image, then on the right side of the screen change Alignment to “Center” and Size to “Full Size”.
Select the Slider that is for this project.
Edit the content of the post so that it applies to the current project.
Select any categories that apply to this project in the “categories” box on the right side. (The category “Inspiring” will be auto-selected, if you do not want this post to show on the “Inspiring Projects” page deselect that category)
Press the blue “Update” button in the top right corner.